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It can enable predictive maintenance, speed up medical care, improve customer service, and offer benefits we haven’t even imagined yet.
01 Jun 2022
The next technology trend that follows the IoT is 5G.
And if you wish to make the most of your time at home, here are the top 9 new technology trends you should watch for and make an attempt at in 2021, and possibly secure one of the jobs that will be created by these new technology trends.
01 Jan 2022
It is expected to be used in factories, HD cameras that help improve safety and traffic management, smart grid control and smart retail too.
This equates to less work for people: the human is becoming ever so obsolete by the day, as processes become automated and jobs are made redundant.
01 Jan 2022
01 Jan 2023
Although we haven’t seen the best yet, some incredible technological advancements promise to greatly improve the lives of those who choose to embrace these new ways.
All bows to the worldwide pandemic, most of the global IT population is sitting back, working from home.
01 Jan 2022
The kind of modern technological advancements that seniors need may not hit the headlines like the new rocket by SpaceX, but that does not mean that they are any less significant.
This amazing technology trend is also involved in preventing the spread of the coronavirus, and to develop potential vaccines, thanks to its ability to easily query, monitor, analyze and act on data, regardless of the source.
01 Jan 2022
01 Jun 2023
But that does not mean that you have to wait for years to arrive before you can start enjoying these benefits.
Technology has also increased the productivity of almost every industry in the world.
01 Mar 2023
However, the invention of the atomic bomb cannot be an individual freedom.
AI is already known for its superiority in image and speech recognition, navigation apps, smartphone personal assistants, ride-sharing apps and so much more.
01 Mar 2023
Launched our company on 01 Jan 2019
The next technology trend that follows the IoT is 5G.